The World's #1 Chess Program!!
Version 10.1 is the version which recently won both the 2016 World Computer Chess Championship (despite a 50 to 1 hardware disadvantage?!) and the 2016 World Software Chess Championship, and is the same version that won the 2016 World Rapid Computer Chess Championship with an incredible 97% score. It also defeated a strong grandmaster 3 to 1 despite giving a two pawn handicap.
Komodo is at the top of all major chess rating lists (CEGT, CCRL, IPON) and is the reining TCEC champion and World Computer Champion.
Komodo mastermind GM Larry Kaufman introduces Komodo 10.1, 2016 World Champion edition
[July 21, 2016] We have just released Komodo 10.1. It is about 10 elo stronger than Komodo 10 and about 70 elo stronger than Komodo 9 and includes several new parameters.
please let us download the latest release of komodo which is ver 10.2.